Sunday, November 6, 2011

Too Much Couponing? Never!:)

For Child Development we played "The Price Is Right" for baby items that every person typically buys for a newborn (excluding big ticket items). There were things like lotion, body wash, bibs, blankets, an outfit, bottles, formula, you get the point.
So one by one she showed us the twenty items or so and gave us three possible prices. At the end she asked us how many we all got right.
"All those that got at least 4 right raise your hand"
"All those that got at least 5 right"
"All those that got at least 8 right"
I was the only hand that went up.
Winner for that round!

Then she asked us to find the total including tax. Total times 1.0625.. I've got this down!
She then told us the total was $120 and some odd cents.
My total?

The sad part is the entire time I was thinking of coupons she could have used to get this total way down.
I think I've spent a little too much time in this aisle and looking at prices ;).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Better than Free Ketchup!

I am so sorry for not posting for so long!! Life has been pretty busy...
But, here's a great deal to pick up some overage!!
Heinz Ketchup 2.25 oz FREE Heinz Ketchup 2.25 oz at Walmart
Many Walmarts carry Heinz Ketchup 2.25 oz for $0.60 (You can find these in the Deli section). There is a $1 off ANY Heinz Ketchup Printable Coupon which would make these FREE plus the $0.40 in overage can be applied to other items in your cart. See Walmarts Coupon policy here.
Deal Idea:
Buy Heinz Ketchup 2.25 oz – $0.60
Use: $1 off ANY Heinz Ketchup Printable Coupon
FREE plus $0.40 overage
Thanks Hunt for Freebies!